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Récap Steelbooks Manta Lab

Écrit par Avatar de martinouchoumartinouchou

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16 commentaires

Manta Exclusive Series (WEA)

#001 Man of Steel (10 Juin 2016) - 2500 copies (Full Slip 700 Copies - Lenticular Slip 900 Copies - One Click 300 Copies) - Forum
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#002 The Revenant (16 Septembre 2016) - 4000 copies (Leather Slip 1000 Copies - Full Slip 500 Copies - Lenticular Slip 400 Copies - One Click 700 Copies) - Forum
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#003 Constantine (9 Décembre 2016) - 4000 copies (Full Slip 1000 Copies - Lenticular Full Slip A 1000 Copies - Lenticular Full Slip B 500 Copies - One Click 500 Copies) - Forum
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Manta Global Series (WWA)

#001 Deadpool (3 Septembre 2016) - 1000 copies (Full Slip 200 Copies - Quarter Slip 200 Copies - One Click 300 Copies) - Forum
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#002 Batman v Superman (30 Septembre 2016) - 1500 copies (Full Slip 400 Copies - Lenticular Slip 500 Copies - One-Click 300 Copies) - Forum
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#003 X-men: Apocalypse (??) - ?? copies - Forum

#00? Legend of Tarzan (??) - ?? copies - Forum

#00? Independence Day:Resurgence (??) - ?? copies - Forum

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super le récap martin ^^
que 4 steelbook mais je commencé aussi déjà a m'y perdre 🤣

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Eheh tu m'étonnes à un steelbook en préco et de sortie chaque mois ça va pas s'arranger xD

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Hello everyone,

This is John from Manta Lab. Today, I wanted to update our customers with few things and discuss about some of the activities we've been doing here recently.

1. Man of Steel

Thank you very much to everyone who have purchased our first exclusive release <Man of Steel> and great to know that many of you are enjoying our product. Since it's our first product and there are many things to be improved but we are happy that everything went quite smoothly. We promise our customers that we will improve on things that were suggested and continue to create great products. We are still experimenting with many things here from products to our services but our goal is to make the great product for our customers enjoy.

2. Expanding our Blu-ray product library

We are planning to expand our website to distribute more Blu-ray products outside of our exclusive lines. Please stay tuned with our website (😀) and our SNS channels for more updates.

3. Deadpool (Global #1)

We wanted to release this product in June but the approval process is taking a bit longer than what we've expected. We are working as hard as we could at the moment to communicate with the studio to push the release date. We are really sorry for those who have waited long time for this title.

4. The Revenant (Exclusive #2)

All artworks have been approved and almost ready to go into production. Due to the peak season with factories, production might take longer than before but we will keep our customers updated with more information. In July, we should be able to release overview packshots and some sample shots of the release. Thank you very much for your interest.

5. More Exclusive and Global Steelbooks coming this year

We are working on few more titles at the moment and it includes some catalogue titles and new ones from various studios. One of the titles is supposed to be the first release of Manta Lab but we have given up on the release due to difficulty of creating right concept and artworks for it. We have never forgotten about it and I've been always thinking about a way to create a design for that title and one day, I came to a conclusion with the design and started to work on it with our creative and graphic designers. We will release more information soon. Also, there's a plan for another release of WEA steelbook which hasn't been released in the market. So please stay tuned with our website for more information.

6. Contents Writing

Even though, I am a bad writer and writing isn't my forte. I always wanted to share my experience and stories with my customers. I plan to write from how Manta Lab started with some behind the scenes about the company, product and the industry. As you can see, the picture is the one of the logos I've received when I was ordering logos around the web. We ended up not using the logo but I thought it was worth keeping it as a story to tell our customers. Many interesting stories and experiences will be shared with our customers so when it's posted, please come to our website for some fun read.
Thank you very much for reading and we will post more information in the future.

Best regards,
John Yu

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Oh non Marty c'est fait hack son compte par un bot

Bon blague à part il raconte quoi ?

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1. Man of Steel

Merci à tous. On va s'améliorer là où on a eu des remarques

2. Expanding

On va agrandir notre boutique et vendre des blurays et steelbooks divers

3. Deadpool

Le processus de validation des artworks mets pas mal de temps donc la sortie en Juin est foutue. On fait tout ce qu'on peut

4. The Revenant

Le processus de validation est terminé. Ca va rentrer en production mais vu que c'est l'été ça va prendre plus de temps. Ils auront des photos du produit en Juillet

5. D'autres steelbooks "Exclusive" et "Global" à venir cette année

Leur 3e release "exclusive" sera un titre qui n'a jamais eu de steelbook !

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Ah oki cool merci pour la trad

La grande vadrouille comme 3 ème release ça serait bien mais je rêve un peu donc je dirais plutot The Artist je crois qu''il n'a jamais eu de Steelbook

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Perso je pense qu'ils vont faire une release aussi petite ^^ C'est que leur 3e ils vont continuer avec de gros films (à mon avis). Des films comme The Artist ou La grande vadrouille ( 🤣 ) on peut toujours rêver ^^ De toute nous dire c'est un film qui est jamais sorti en steelbook c'est vague 🤣 Y en a tellement !!! Puis ça peut aussi très bien être un film de cette année ^^

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Emmanuelle en steelbook. 🤣

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Mise à jour du 1er post avec les nouvelles infos sur The Revenant

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j'ai hâte de voir le rendu de deadpool

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Mise à jour pour Deadpool 😀
Jeannot La Case
Jeannot La Case

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martinouchou a dit:

#001 Batman v Superman (??) -

O top Martin, juste une remarque :
Erreur de copié-collé surement ➡️ si Deadpool est le #001 alors Batman vs Superman devrait être le #002

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spotted 🤣 Merci bien l'ami 😉

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Listing mis à jour

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Listing mis à jour avec les infos pour BvS

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Listing mis à jour pour Constantine

16 affichés sur 16 trouvés

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