Suicide Squad Steelbook (Mantalab Global Series #006)
Suicide Squad Steelbook (Mantalab Global Series #006)
Date de sortie: Décembre 2016
Prix: TBA
Liens: TBA
Langue: TBA est un site d'actualité sur les éditions collector, limitées, spéciales, numérotées, steelbook de jeux vidéo/ films avec des news et bons plans quotidien pour compléter vos collections !
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Hello guys! We have some great new for our MG#006 "Suicide Squad"! For for the first time, we will be producing the "Suicide Squad" in 2D(Extended Cut) + 4K UHD Steelbook and this will be the first premium UHD Steelbook produced in the market.
We are aiming for the December release and the design works are almost finished at the moment. Considering that the UHD format isn't popular in the market yet, it can be risky for us to chose this format but we wanted to chose the extended cut to satisfy our customers and be the first retailer to adopt the new format.
We hope that our customers keep interested for our release and also hope to release more information soon.
[MG#3] X-Men:Apocalypse Steelbook will be on pre-order this Thursday, we hope to see our customers on our website.
Best regards,
Manta Lab
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Both Full Slip and Lenticular slips for our upcoming Global release Suicide Squad Steelbook. Please enjoy! Total copies are 1,100 units (600 Full Slip, 500 Lenticular Full Slip) More information coming soon.
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