EditionCollector.fr est un site d'actualité sur les éditions collector, limitées, spéciales, numérotées, steelbook de jeux vidéo/ films avec des news et bons plans quotidien pour compléter vos collections !
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Et y a pas photos celle de prime 1 sont vraiment un cran au dessus... et 2x plus cher aussi XD
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Après, au delà du prix 2x plus cher, Prime One joue aussi sur l'échelle 1/3. Tant que ça n'entre pas directement dans la même échelle que Sideshow, je pense pas qu'il y aura de réels soucis entre eux... Je ne sais pas pour vous, mais pour moi la taille d'une figurine joue beaucoup. Je trouve les Prime One bien trop grandes par rapport à ma maison et l'espace alloué aux figurines ^^ Je trouve que les résines 1/6 avec un beau décor, comme les dernières d'XM sont mieux dans une petite maison et pour une plus large collection... En parlant d'XM, pressé de voir leur Green Lantern, mais pas pressé des préco 🤣 🤣
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Vue que je suis vraiment fan du boulot de P1 j'avoue que du coup j'aurais surement plus de 1/3 que d'autres format.
Pour le prix c'est kif-kif entre P1 et sideshow, un poil moins chère sur les simu que je fait chez P1, frais de port plus chère chez sideshow mais il donne plus de brousouf en reward généralement.
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“I’ll write Superman’s legacy — and it’ll be written in blood! “
Prime 1 Studio is excited to announce the 1:3 scale MMDC-32: Cyborg Superman (DC Comics) as a new addition to your Anti-Superman line. He is a persona that has been used by two fictional characters in the DC Universe, both of which are supervillains that appear in comic books published by DC Comics. Cyborg Superman statue is sophisticatedly crafted based on various well-known DC Comics illustrations. In which, highly detailed metallic upper body design part with fully enhanced attachments, a real fabric material cape, two interchangeable metallic right arms, one comes with power rings. An additional switchable Zor-El's cybernetic arm and alternate Portrait is available only in EX version. These switchable parts make it possible to give to fans several display options with ease. Superman Comic fans now's the chance to add this Cyborg Superman into your statue collection!
Statue size approximately 37 inches tall [(H):93.3cm (W):59.6cm (D):63.1cm]
Cape size approximately 26 inches tall [(H):65cm (W):115cm]
One (1) designed base
One (1) Fabric material cape
Two (2) interchangeable Right forearms with and without Power rings
Two (2) interchangeable Left hands
One (1) alternate Hank Henshaw portrait
One (1) alternate Zor-El's Head portrait (In the Exclusive version only)
One (1) interchangeable Zor-El's Cybernetic arm (In the Exclusive version only)
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""I always lead by example, and that's why I must win every fight.""
Prime 1 Studio is proud to present 1:4 scale PMGM-01: G-1 Ken the Eagle from Gatchaman.
Ken the Eagle also known as Ken Washio is, a pilot of the jet fighter G-1, a leader of the Science Ninja Team and also the main character of the series from the Japanese anime.
The meticulously crafted of each part of the statue such as the eagle-like Bird Style colored in white with a beautiful red interior, as well as a white helmet with red and black accents. G-1 Ken the Eagle statue comes with interchangeable hand with/without holding a Birdrang. Moreover, with the LED light-up features on the base, Ken Washio measures approximately 29-inches tall under a defeated drone standing in his way.
The Exclusive version of G-1 Ken the Eagle includes an alternate portrait with the visor damaged.
Don't miss your chance to add in your collection the pilot of G-1 and the team leader of this Science Ninja Team Gatchaman!
Statue size approximately 29 inches tall [(H):72.9cm (W):45.6cm (D):40.9cm]
One (1) defeated drone base
One (1) LED Light-up feature
One (1) left forearm holding the Birdrang
One (1) left forearm
One (1) alternate Regular portrait
One (1) alternate Exclusive portrait (In the Exclusive version only)
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Merci Shady, elle le mérite 😉
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“Where is Optimus Prime?”
Prime 1 Studio is proud to present MMTFM-25EX: Blitzwing from the latest series of the Transformers series: Bumblebee (Film). When the first trailer for the Bumblebee movie was released, many fans assumed that this Decepticon, who inherits many designs and transformation elements lifted from the original Generation 1 Seeker, was called Starscream. However, the classic red and greyish color body type was, in fact, Blitzwing! Not only was he a member of Decepticons who followed Bumblebee to Earth for Optimus Prime's location but also took the form of an Air Force jet on Earth. The Seeker is a triple changer who holds a grudge against Bumblebee. Blitzwing is carefully sculpted with LED light-up feature on the head. It is coming with several interchangeable parts in which the Exclusive version comes with a switchable left hand that stabs and damaged Bumblebee’s vocal processor. The perfect statue to recreate the Fighting scene of Bumblebee and Blitzwing. Don’t miss your chance to add this Decepticon to your collection!
Statue size approximately 31 inches tall
[(H):78cm (W):50.9cm (D):52.2cm]
Statue size with Cannon [(H):78cm (W):60.1cm (D):52.2cm]
LED Light-up feature on Portrait
One (1) interchangeable right-hand
One (1) interchangeable right-hand cannon
One (1) interchangeable left-hand
One (1) interchangeable Exclusive left-hand (In the Exclusive version only)
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Salut Shady, justement je compte en mettre sur le fofo d'ici peut, je suis en train de refaire la salle dédié à mes statues actuellement (peinture...) 😉 des que le plus gros est fini je te fait des clichés.
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Statue Size approximately 39 inches tall [(H):101.4cm (W):48.6cm (D):75cm]
One (1) spaceship-designed base
Real Fabric Material
LED Light-up feature on Shoulder Cannon and Bio-Mask Portrait
One (1) alternate portrait (In the Exclusive version only)
21093 messages
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De toute façon, maintenant, je pense qu'il ne faut plus se leurrer, que ce soit pour la licence Predator ou Alien, il n'y aura plus rien à prix "décent". 🤔
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Statue size approximately 34.4 inches tall [(H): 87.3cm (W): 54.6cm (D): 66.1cm]
Statue size with fold arms pose [(H):87.3cm (W):54.6cm (D): 54.6cm]
One (1) interchangeable set arms with open palm
One (1) interchangeable set arms with hands behind his back
One (1) alternate Exclusive Portrait (In the Exclusive version only)
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Non ne t’inquiète pas, elle va sortir, ils ont tellement de statue dans les cartons que cela prend un peut de temps, je me demande si c'est pas le studio officiel le plus prolifique en terme de preco, minimum une par semaine, je me demande si sideshow sort des statues chaque semaine. 🤔
Sinon je craque aussi pour la prochaine yen, je trouve que la premiere triss et yen sont pas terrible au niveau des visages donc j'ai pas préco, la prochaine yen on a enfin le meme visage que celui du jv.
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Pour Triss j'attends la version avec cette robe: 🥰
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Boobs always make money.
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2 versions seront disponibles.
A pied ou à cheval.
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“The Absence of water is not my weakness. It’s all of yours.”
Another character who owns magical power to control water and a supporting role to her husband, Aquaman, is the Queen of the Sea, Mera.
Prime 1 Studio is proud to introduce the splendid and dynamic Atlantean, MMDC-33: Mera from DC Comics. She has a distinct ability to create hard water objects, as well as superhuman physical strength and ability to adjust underwater environment. She received extensive training in Xebel, and it makes her into a master superheroine.
This Museum Masterline statue comes with an iconic designed base with flying fish attached to the wave. The Queen of the Sea measure approximately 29 inches tall while holding her Trident. Aquaman fans, don't leave her if you want to add this beauty into your Atlantis collection!
Statue Size approximately 29 inches tall [(H):73.3cm (W):56.5cm (D):39.3cm]
One (1) iconic-designed base
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Bon la je peux plus suivre pour l'instant, du coup c'est direct top 3 dans ma wishlit "si je gagne au loto" 😁
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Pareil, trop de belle statue mais impossible de suivre 🥳
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Prix : 1399€ (1260€ pour les membres)
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Mais leurs prix ne valent souvent vraiment pas le coup pour les ex, comme pour la zodd ou guts par exemple bien moins chères chez P1 plus taxes.
Sinon, Venom, qu'il est classe 🥰
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Statue Size approximately 35 inches tall
[(H):87.1cm (W):60.5cm (D):49.9cm]
One (1) designed base
One (1) Real Fabric Adjustable Cape
Two (2) alternate Portraits
Two (2) Set of Hands
One (1) Alternate Portrait (In the Exclusive Version Only)
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Non, je faisais référence au fait qu'elle soit simplement "en stock" 😂
En général, c'est sold out à la préco.
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Oui elle est vraiment jolie la Knightfall
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Statue size with Damascus Blade down approximately 25 inches tall [(H):63.8cm (W):35.4cm (D):35.7cm]
Statue size with Damascus Blade on shoulder and Centurion gun [(H):63.8cm (W):35.4cm (D):33.2cm]
Statue size with Damascus Blade up [(H):63.8cm (W):34.7cm (D):52.5cm]
LED Light-up feature on base
One (1) Iron City designed base
Two (2) alternate portrait
Three (3) interchangeable right-arm holding the Damascus Blade
One (1) interchangeable left-arm holding the Centurion Gun
Two (2) interchangeable left-arm holding with and without destroyed Spinal column
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- Regular 939€ (845€ pour les membres)
- Deluxe 1299€ (1169€ pour les membres)
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Voir le spoiler
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Je disais pareil pour Kate Beckinsale dans Underworld 😍
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Parce que ses bOObs sont éclairé par des Led ???
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Tu me prend par les sentiments jiji 🙃 , dans Underworld avec ça tenue "moule fion" clairement elle donne la gaule (il manque l'emoticone branlette Shady ^^)
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Voir le spoiler
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"The Deluxe version included a variety of parts to give the chance to display at variation of pose. A total of four (4) alternative portraits with three (3) headstand to be included in this Deluxe version. You will be able to display Harley Quinn holding both hand a revolver with an alternate empty holster. Not to mention that her gag-themed weaponry such as her well known mallet in her hands and dynamite all over the base with LED illumination. Her iconic blonde hair portrait and a variation of red and green hair color portrait based on the comics which fit perfectly with her costume. Don't miss this chance to add the must-have lovely supervillain statue on Valentine's day.
Product Specifications
・Statue Size approx. 33 inches tall with revolver [(H):82.6cm (W):56.7cm (D):67cm]
Statue Size approx. 36 inches tall with mallet [(H):90.6cm (W):56.7cm (D):53.4cm]
・One (1) designed theme base
・LED light up function on base
・Four (4) alternate portraits
・Three (3) headstand
・Two (2) interchangeable revolver holster with and without revolver
・One (1) interchangeable pair of hands holding revolver
・Two (2) interchangeable revolver holster with and without revolver"
Prix : $1,349.00
Edition limitée : 500 exemplaires
Précommandes ouvertes. 😉
50193 messages
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j'espere que cette fois sideshow sera un peu plus réactif que pour supergirl, mais bon dans tout les cas je crois que je vais attendre wonder woman... 😏
50 affichés sur 1501 trouvés